Tech Tips

EDR vs. AV | Blog | TechOnsite

EDR vs. AV

Due to advancements in technology, using more than one device from many different places is more of a reality than it ever was before. However, this also means that there are more strategies that can be used to steal or change invaluable information than ever before. Nearly anything connected to a network has the potential […]

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A Short Guide to Malware Help | Blog | TechOnsite

A Short Guide to Anti-Malware Help

Malware, short for malicious software, is a blanket term for viruses, worms, trojans and other harmful computer programs used to wreak destruction and gain access to sensitive information. Sometimes, it’s hard to tell when you’ve been hit by a computer virus. There are plenty of signs you should keep an eye out for: incredibly slow performance where once

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Helping Businesses Adapt, Transform and Grow during COVID | Blog | TechOnsite

Helping Businesses Adapt, Transform and Grow during COVID

With most of the workforce at home, we understand the trials of keeping and maintaining a reliable, robust, secure network to keep your data, and ultimately, reputation safe. At TechOnSite, we continue to provide excellent support, securing critical digital assets and introducing new tools that provide efficiency and productivity to all employees. While security is

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