Stay At Home Reference Guide 1

Stay at Home Reference Guide | Blog | TechOnsite

As we are all being affected by Covid-19, TechOnSite’s continued support throughout the pandemic has never waned. We know working from home has its own challenges (children, pets, spouses, angry/overly-nice neighbors), but a slow workstation and network should not be your continued experience!

We have compiled a list of recommendations for you. We, at TechOnSite, follow to have a safe, efficient and fast experience with our technology.

Part I

Inventory and document your household technology.

*Did you know that a firmware update to your router can make your entire online experience smoother for you and the entire family?*

Knowing what devices you have will help create a triage list of items that you will need to update and check frequently for the best possible experience. 

Network – Check your router’s firmware (permanent software programmed into a router)

This is as simple as logging into your router’s administrator profile, clicking “administration” and pressing update.

* This simple measure can increase your network performance, download speeds, home security, allow for new software to work correctly, and boost Wifi distances.

If you need assistance to get logged into your router and to perform the update, please contact us at [email protected] or call us at 310.695.1742.

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